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Our Staff

Our church's staff supports the ministry of all member disciples at St. Paul's. The apostle Paul saw his role as one of equipping the saints for their work of sharing the good news. Although our roles and activities differ, we serve the same purpose and are there for one another.

Office Hours

Stefan Munker


Pastor Stefan was born in Germany where he was baptized in the Lutheran church and came to faith in his youth. During a seminary exchange in the USA, he met his wife Cynthia. She is also pastoring within our synod. Pastor Stefan is excited about sharing the invitation to meet and follow Jesus. He is leading the "flock" of Jesus at
St. Paul's in our shared worship, learning, and outreach.

Elizabeth (Liz) Allen
Choir Director

Our choir director leads Bell Choir and Vocal Choir at St. Paul's to help us worship God through music. We are grateful for her generous involvement and passion to serve our church.


Marina Mondragon

Administrative Assistant

Marina Mondragon is our Administrative Assistant in the church office, and excited to be a member of the ministry team at St. Paul's. She greets you cheerfully in person or on the phone, and she is ever helpful and skillful in doing everything with dedication to the Lord. Marina's family has been attending St. Paul's for over ten years.


Behind the Scenes

Greg Schoen is our custodian who keeps the church looking beautiful and all equipment in good working order. He has an eye for detail and is very handy.​

Stephanie Ellis and Gail Schaal are faithfully tracking and stewarding our congregation's financial assets for
use in ministry.

Cassie Gunn


Cassie Gunn has been church organist at St. Paul's since 1999. Cassie is a retired first grade teacher. She leads our congregation in song, accompanies the choir, plays in the bell choir, and gives glory to God through her musical talent. Cassie and her husband Bruce have two children and two granddaughters.

"...  to equip the saints

for the work of ministry,

for building up

the body of Christ."

(Ephesians 4:12)

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