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Our Mission

God’s purpose for us at St. Paul’s is to be a nurturing Christian community, worshiping and sharing God's love by actively helping others here and beyond our walls.

Vacation Bible School
Church attendees shaking hands during "sharing of the peace" in worship
Vacation Bible School students

Grace and Peace!


The apostle Paul would begin and end most of his correspondence with words that describe God’s great gifts. As Christians we believe in a gracious God, who through Jesus Christ has brought us peace for today and eternity.


We here at St. Paul’s continue the work of Jesus’ messenger Paul and share the same message of good news. As Lutheran followers of Jesus we emphasize that we are saved by grace through faith alone, as Martin Luther restated the apostle’s words in 1517.


As pastor at St. Paul’s I want to greet you and invite you, on behalf of our congregation, to experience, celebrate and share God’s gracious love. We believe that we are called, gathered, and sent to bless you, one another, and the world with Jesus’ gift of saving peace.


So, come to be a part of St. Paul’s Lutheran Church, where our hearts and doors are wide open.


Yours, ​ Pastor S†efan Munker

hearts + doors wide open


St. Paul's is a historic and contemporary church on the courthouse square in Hillsboro, Illinois. Founded in 1832, the church is a member of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America.


The ELCA confesses the Triune God — Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. We proclaim Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. In our preaching and teaching, the ELCA trusts the Gospel as the power of God for the salvation of all who believe.

ELCA teaching or theology does not have an answer for all questions, not even all religious questions. Teaching or theology prepares members to be witnesses in speech and in action of God’s rich mercy in Jesus Christ.


St. Paul's congregation has hearts open to God's love and the needs of people. Our doors are open to support social efforts in our community and throughout the world, and to welcome everyone to join us.

Ladles of Love volunteers

The Pledge of Christian Endeavor

Pastor Stefan Munker has shared his youth camp experience and how he made a faith commitment. He challenges the youth and all members of St. Paul’s to make a pledge modeled on that used by the Christian Endeavor organization that reached, invited and prepared our pastor for faith, commitment and service.

"Trusting the Lord Jesus Christ for strength, we endeavor to live for Him boldly and make it the practice of our life to: pray and study God’s Word daily, serve others freely, share our faith openly, worship God in our church regularly, and humbly lead His cause for our generation – to lead others to a relationship with Jesus, and together build God’s kingdom reign."

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