ST. PAUL'S Lutheran Church
Hillsboro, Illinois
hearts + doors wide open
Locate us:
Parking is available on the street around the Historic Courthouse and on Main Street. On weekends and holidays, additional spaces are also available in parking lots of the Montgomery County Courthouse west of the church, and north of RehabEdge next door. Disability accessible parking is available in designated spaces.
Connect with us:

Our church can be contacted through a variety of means:
Phone: 217-532-2353
E-mail: office@stpaulshillsboro.net
Website: See form below.
Members and others without a church who are in need of Pastoral Care may call Pastor Stefan Munker on his cell phone (please look up number in directory or get from church office answering machine).
Anyone in need of Social Services may seek referral to community assistance resources from the pastor or office. (We do not provide cash, we do collaborate with other churches for emergency funds, and we try to help find long-term solutions.)
Our Administrative Assistant's current scheduled hours are
Monday through Thursday: 8:15am-11:45am.
The office is closed on Fridays.
Pastor Stefan Munker is generally at church Monday through Thursday at varying times, usually starting at 10:00am. Friday is his day off, but he is always available for emergencies.
(Days and times can sometimes change, so please call ahead before stopping by.)