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WORSHIP  Schedule:

Sundays at 10:15am (Sep-May), 9:30am (Jun-Aug), in person and online


Photo of St. Paul's

Our congregation's hearts + doors are

Church members standing at sanctuary doors with arms stretched wide

Pastor Stefan Munker

and the "flock" of Jesus at St. Paul's invite you to experience God's gifts of faith, hope, and love with us through inspiring worship, spiritual growth, caring friendships, and community outreach.


Coffee Beans
Community Cafe St Paul's Logo

A community space with free coffee and treats to relax and connect at St. Paul’s

+ 9:00-11:00am on most Thursdays

+ Watch for program info on our Facebook page.

+ Check out more details here.

Celebrate, Grow, and

Share with Us

Are you looking for a place to experience God, deepen your spirituality, and share your gifts?


We are ready to invite, welcome, and include all people into our Christian community.

St. Paul's is a historic church that embraces cherished and modern forms of ministry.

Sunday Worship:

9:30am (Jun-Aug)

10:15am (Sep-May)
In person and on YouTube

A congregation of the

Evangelical Lutheran Church in America

ELCA Logo New Transparent
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